Scientists Use Ranger to Explore Sub-Atomic Physics

HPC Wire brings us this story by TACC’s Aaron Dubrow:
“Physics has led us deeper and deeper into the heart of matter in a quest to determine what the universe is made of. It’s a real-world question that drives particle physicist Robert Sugar to dig in his heels and break out the big guns — supercomputers like Ranger at the Texas Advanced Computing Center — to help solve the numerical equations at the root of fundamental physics.” Full Story

About Rich
FlexRex began his life as a cartoon character I created a Sun Microsystems. As the world's first "fictional blogger," he appeared in numerous parody films that made fun of the whole work-from-home thing. Somewhere along the line, the Sun IT department adopted FlexRex as their spokesman in a half-dozen security awareness films for employees. So when I left Sun recently, I started FlexRex Communications, a Marketing company in Portland, Oregon.

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